02 July 2008

What are my chances ?!

I am often asked "What are my chances of getting in at -fill in college name-". The truth is I can't give you the real answer. What I can give you is, by comparing your raw data (scores, GPA, extra curriculars), say how much better or worse your application looks based on that data.

A lot of people counter that statement by saying college applications is a lot more than just raw data - there's interviews and essays and college visits and showing interest. You're definitely right. But before you start the admissions process, all you are going to have is raw data. I think it can help save your time by figuring out what are good matches based on stats, and then trying to use everything else to make you stand out from their average admitted student.

So, give me a shot. Want to hear about your chances? (photo: luckyicons.com)

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