01 July 2008

Frosher launches!

Welcome to frosher. I'm Sid Jain.

Frosh is generally a term for people new to college. It's about discovering about college, opportunities, and to some extent yourself.

That's what frosher hopes to accomplish. Learning about college: everything from admissions to graduating and getting that first paycheck - and tips, tools, and suggestions that will help get you there.

I was an international student when I first applied for college, and had to go through an enormous amount of information - probably more than you will to figure out where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. Turns out, even after all that preparation I still had a lot to learn once I got there. I was a part of every school in my university and changed my major several times before finally figuring out what I wanted to do. Even now college admissions and college life is a part of me and I've counseled many friends and family on how to get the most out of it.

Well, now I want to tell you what I've learned and hopefully learn from you in the process. Let's get the show on the road.

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